dengan tidak bijaksana bahasa Inggris
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- tidak bijaksana: ill considered; inadvisable; indiscreet;
- bijaksana: discreet; expedient; far seeing; far sighted;
- tidak bijaksana: ill considered; inadvisable; indiscreet; injudicious; unwise; unjudicious
- dengan bijaksana: judiciously; prudently; resourcefully; sagely; tactfully; wisely; judgmatically
- bicara secara tidak bijaksana: speak out of turn
- ceroboh/tidak bijaksana: witless; theftless; loudmouthed; imprudent; loose-lipped; unwise; slack-jawed
- tidak semua bijaksana: be not all-wise
- bijaksana: discreet; expedient; far seeing; far sighted; judicious; politic; prudent; sapient; shrewd; tactful; the wise; thoughtful; wise; enlightened; indiscreet; know better; sagacious; sage; sensible; clev
- . yang bijaksana: a wise
- kurang bijaksana: indiscreet; undiplomatic; insensitive
- lebih bijaksana: wiser
- orang bijaksana: sage; the wise man
- paling bijaksana: wisest